Advocating and making a difference in your life and others’ lives; takes skills and practice. You’ve found your voice; now come and learn how to make it stronger and reach more people. Attend this three-part series and learn how to mentor others to become strong self-advocates, negotiate to change policies, and become the leader you were born to be. In this interactive session, we will discuss what these advocacy tools mean in practical, everyday terms; why advocacy is important in the lives of people with disabilities; and how you can use it to promote self-determination.
Quality Trust is proud to collaborate with the DC Developmental Disabilities Council to offer advocacy training in Leadership, Mentoring, and Negotiation to self-advocates. This interactive, three-part LMN Project will offer advanced training and tools to Advocacy Partner self-advocates to advance critical advocacy and emerging leadership skills. The training topics we will focus on are Leadership, Mentoring, and Negotiation.
This is a three-part series that will meet on June 17, July 15, and August 5, 2021.
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